Troy Ave Faces 5 Felony Charges for Concert Shooting


Troy Ave has reportedly avoided a murder charge in the Irving Plaza shooting that left one dead and three injured, according to TMZ. The Brooklyn rapper is being indicted on several felony counts, including one count of attempted second degree murder and four counts of criminal possession of a weapon. If convicted of the felonies, the sentence would mean decades of jail time for the rapper.

Previously, Troy Ave was arrested with a report noting that police “were awaiting the result of ballistics tests before charging Troy Ave with murder.” At this time, the results of the ballistic testing is unknown. Troy Ave’s lawyer, Scott Leemon, also defended his client to the press stating that footage from the shooting did not explain the whole story. “The video does not show everything nor explain what happened in the VIP room before Troy came running out, as a victim, after he was shot,” he said.