Kevin Gates on Why He Won’t Support Black Lives Matter: “We Kill Each Other”


Kevin Gates has once taken shots at the Black Lives Matter movement, calling it “bullshit” because of black on black crime.

“We kill each other,” he states in a video, which you can watch above. “But as soon as a white boy kill one of us, everybody going hooping and howling and all that stupid ass shit.” He then imitated people who ask him why he doesn’t support the movement, since he has been asked so many times why he feels the way he does. “When you stand for something, you gotta stand for it all the way, not halfway.”

The rapper doesn’t hold back in the video where he also goes on to say if blacks were not killed by whites, they would be killed by each other anyway. “Niggers hate on niggers. Niggers steal from niggers. Niggers kill niggers. Come on, man. Help yo brother, don’t hurt yo brother.”