Gilbert Arenas Torments Nick Young on Snapchat


“NoChillGil” is a very fitting name for Gilbert Arenas’ Snapchat, and on Thursday, Arenas more than lived up to the name when he hopped over the gate at Nick Young’s house after explaining that Swaggy P “won’t give me the gate code.” He then walked right into Young’s house, and within about 10 seconds, it was pretty clear why Young has gone out of his way to keep Arenas out of his residence.

After walking into Young’s house, Arenas repeatedly asked the Lakers guard, “Why you cheating on Iggy [Azalea] all the time?” From that point on, you could tell Young wanted Arenas to leave. But Gil being Gil, he pressed on and started being an absolute dick to Young’s son Nick Jr. While sitting on the couch with Young, Arenas then brought up Keonna Green—the mother of Young’s son, who is expecting a second child with Young—and told him, “You know I’m the new O.J., I’ll take care of her for the low, low price” before flashing a knife in front of the camera. And while it was hard to imagine things getting any stranger than they already were after that, they did! In the next set of Snapchat clips, Arenas took shots at Young as he walked through the now-empty home he shared with Iggy, bullied his son on Young’s outdoor basketball court, and even painted over Iggy’s name in one room of the house.

Since the news of Azalea and Young’s breakup, Arenas has been quite vocal about it. He went as far as to write a lengthy Instagram post where he blamed Iggy for Nick’s cheating. We don’t know where their friendship currently stands, but something tells us that Young probably wants Gilbert as far away from him as possible. How long before he builds a taller fence around the outside of his home?